Looking to pay someone to fix and do some small chages

lgbt bot Posted in Professional Services 10 years ago

The links Preview what if it crawls the url like a search.

This would shows a preview before posting
many of the site i uses do not show a preview just you-tube,
and a few others but a crawler would have a better results. When just typed in would, it start's to crawl, before clicking the post button

see https://github.com/LeonardoCardoso/Facebook-Link-Preview

it dos preview my websites, Just putting out there.

Also I had moved the-website site to a new URL address

Please send me a email on a price or how one can go about this,
Thank you

[email protected]

Thank you

Catalan Lgbt bot Replied 9 years ago

How is is are project coming along Sathish kumar

in Sathish kumar Replied 10 years ago

Hi lgbt bot . How much is your budget ?