OSSN and CDN integration S3 compitable

Arsalan Shah Posted in Performance and Scalability 3 years ago

I been working on improving OSSN File Storage functionality due to much demand we have added cdn Support for core. Tested the integration with DigitalOcean spaces and AWS S3, works fine.

Username : testuser
Password: testuser

The code for is not yet published.

us Roger Bunch Replied 2 years ago

OH MAN, this would be such a wonderful feature. Our planned project will have a lot of images and video, it will blow out a normal host in no time at all. This would make it so much more viable.

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

Awesome, thank you!

I'm going to install it into a test bed; I just put in the github version of ossn so I am hoping that it will work.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago

Sorry It seems the repository was private now I made it public.

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

@Arsalan - I get a 404 error every time I click that link.
And, I was noticing the back end changes... It looks like it is a ton of them. Hmmn.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago

It is available as component but will works on OSSN v6.2 only as it required many changes on OSSN backend.


us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

@Arsalan - It looks like that this will be integrated into the newer version, correct?
Or, is this going to be a component?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago

Looking right now :)

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

Yup, a nice enhancement!
but still one issue: the same image is being fetched twice now, one time from the site and one time from sfo3
(see these 148/149k lines getting the cover image)enter image description here

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

I would love this! Let me know when the code is available, please?