One of the requirements of my customer is to add into CustomField component is a location field. Code is working into user side of the site, but in admin panel, I can't do the ossnloadexternalcss() and ossnloadexternaljs() load the external CSS and JS files. I looked at the code to find some examples, but I couldn't find anything. So, how is the right way to load these files? At this moment, I manually put the link tag to load files, but this is a rapid workaround (aka gambiarra, in Portuguese).
In text, I put ossn_load_external_js()
and ossn_load_external_js()
functions, but in code I used the ossn_new_external_css()
and ossn_new_external_js()
. After changing the function, the code is working. Thanks for the tip @Michael.
see line #197 in ossn.lib.javascripts
function ossn_load_external_js($name, $type = 'site')
without second parameter it defaults to site
to load it on the admin-backend, you would do a
ossn_load_external_js(YOURSCRIPT, 'admin');
the same applies to ossn_load_external_css
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)