Error when deleting comment under photo

Dominik L Posted in Technical Support 2 years ago

When I try to delete a comment which was added to a photo I get an error, which is only visible via F12 developer tools

It's this error:

"Error: Call to a member function isModerator() on null in /home/guyzde/publichtml/components/OssnComments/actions/comment/delete.php:41
Stack trace:
0 /home/guyzde/public
html/libraries/ossn.lib.actions.php(51): includeonce()
1 /home/guyzde/public
html/system/handlers/actions.php(13): ossn_action('delete/comment')
2 {main}"


Comments under normal posts I can delete with no problems

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting.
I did a pull request to fix the issue.