This data is not a component - A Newbie Question

Isham Crozier Posted in Component Development 2 years ago

There are some things I'm looking to (pay to) modify. Friends, Timeline, Sidebar. However these don't seem to be component based.

For my planning needs, how does modifying these work?

us Isham Crozier Replied 2 years ago

Oh. I had tried to keep my post light. Sorry. I'll try to do better with my resources.

I want to change the friends into a followers system.
I want to change the group system into a forum system after my own design.
I want to make the Timeline filterable with what's apparently called an index stream.
I want the sidebar to suit my own design needs (and to follow a pc users scrolling.)

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

I'm afraid you'd hardly get an answer here without naming some more details.
E.g. Friends: What exactly are you missing / do you want to change?