Moving Live Site to Local Server

Dave Smith Posted in Technical Support 2 years ago


I have made a copy of my live site which i would like set up on a local server for testing.

I have made a copy of the html folder on my local server and changed both of these files to reflect the changes in the database and site address


Now when I navigate to the site, I just get a white screen.

Which other files need to be changed to accomodate the move please?

in Kayleigh Long Replied 2 years ago

That's great. I was impressed by your POST. I am happy to see such a topic. i hope you will share many more post like this.

gb Dave Smith Replied 2 years ago

Thanks, Arsalan. I had not seen that page before. I think the probelm is to do with me not disabling cache first. I will give it a go.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

Have a look into the webserver (apache) logfile, Dave. I'm sure there's some information what is causing your problem.