Installation via Softaculous

Joe Bachman Posted in Technical Support 2 years ago

I am currently using InMotion Hosting to host my websites and wanted to add a social media site to the group of sites. When I try to install Open Source Social Network via Softaculous though, it is asking for a birthdate for the admin account. No matter how I try to enter the birthdate though, it keeps telling me I have the wrong numbers listed for the date and the year or the month and the year, or all three. I can't seem to find the right combination of numbers to get it to accept. For example, I have done (not using my real birthday here): 6/1/1984 (M/D/YYYY), 1/6/1984 (D/M/YYYY), 1984/1/6 (YYYY/D/M), 1984/6/1 (YYYY/M/D), 6/1984/1 (M/YYYY/D), and 1/1984/6 (D/YYYY/M).

Can anyone tell me what the correct date format for birthdays are?


us Jonathan malin Replied 2 years ago

The correct date format for birthdays may vary depending on the application or website you are using. It is best to refer to the instructions or documentation provided by the software for the specific format they require.

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us Joe Bachman Replied 2 years ago

Ok, so I figured out the birthday issue. It does not like you using a / to separate the numbers. It wants you to use a -. Also, it is in the DD-MM-YYYY format. So, for example, if your birthday is June 1, 1984, you would enter 01-06-1984, not 01/06/1984.

Hope this helps people for the future!

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Hi Joe, You can install manually

Maybe there is issue with automatic installer we will reach Softaculous team