Implement online status, age and gender on profile page?

Dominik L Posted in Component Development 2 years ago

I want to implement online status, age and gender below the username on profile page

something like a green, yellow and red circle - green means online at the moment, yellow means online the last 24 hours and red means offline

something like that:

enter image description here

can someone help me develope a component? what would it cost?

Dutch Finley Parker Replied 2 years ago

I can provide you with some guidance on how to implement this feature.

You would need to have a system that can determine a user's online status, age, and gender. You can then use this information to display the appropriate colored circle on the user's profile page.

To determine a user's online status, you can use a combination of client-side and server-side techniques. For example, you can use a WebSocket to keep track of when a user is online, and update the status in real-time on the client-side. To determine when a user was last online, you can store a timestamp of their last activity and compare it to the current time.