I have set up the FirstLogin URL as follows:
My script lists the params as follows:
[guid] => 8
[amp;unam] => techy
Thanks for new version that works now.
Try 1.3 version.
I request you to next time provide more details and the excepted output and the resulted output. Seems the editors made confusion in first place :)
I see there is a bug I will fix it
The URL I quote is the value I put in configure to the First Time Login component, I show the query string that my newuser.php script rec.eives from your component. I do not generate that incorrect query string.
OSSN doesn't have newuser.php file and your URL doesn't have double & so it is your script not the OSSN nor the URL. URL doesn't seems have problem.
What is your output url?
I note that the query string from your code is formatted incorrectly:
Ahh - this editor transliterates html code and so the colon disappears!
Let me try with spaces
guid = 9 & amp ; techy
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