Resend reminder for verification?

Dominik L Posted in General Discussion 1 year ago


Is there an already existing component, which enables a reminder feature is someone hasn’t verified their profile after registration?

For example: someone registers and forgets to verify his account, after one week he gets an reminder to verify his profile with a new verification link

Dutch Elaine Burchell Replied 1 year ago


Is there an already existing component, which enables a reminder
feature is someone hasn’t verified their profile after registration?

For example: someone registers and forgets to verify his account,
after one week he gets an reminder to verify his profile with a new
verification link


Yes, there are existing components and tools available that can enable a reminder feature for unverified profiles. These components typically involve tracking the registration date and sending automated reminders after a specified time period, prompting users to verify their accounts with a new verification link.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

A component requires to send a reminder that runs in backend to check a list of unvalidated users and send them email.

If user missed the email and tries to login he gets email again anyway.