Hi, I'm trying to make a basic reporting component using the OssnPoke component as a base. I've had some success but I can only report a user or post from when I'm on their user wall.. When I report the post I want to report from the newsfeed my wall in the ossn_notiftcations
database I get a value of zero for poster_guid
and what happens when I do it from the wall my user is shown the actual user numbers. I think I need to create a function similar to ossn_get_page_owner_guid
to retrieve the post owner number. Would any of you be able to help me?
The function can be called ossn_get_object_owner_guid
and retrieve the number of user who created a given post.. Is it possible for one of you to do it.. or explain me how to do it..?
Retro Bowl is the ideal game for the armchair quarterback to prove their point.
You are most welcome and I am glad your issue is resolved
Thank you so much man.. you are great! ..I am too poor to buy anything from you.. I don't even have a bank account.. but I am extremely grateful to you for the OSSN you have made.. ...What you are doing is great !!!
Your hook should look like this
function ossn_wall_post_menu_report($name, $type, $return, $params) { //notice the 4th parameter not 3rd
$post = $params['post']; //this contains the post
$user = ossn_get_page_owner_guid();
$report = ossn_site_url("action/report/user?user={$post->owner_guid}&post_guid={$post->guid}", true);
ossn_unregister_menu('report', 'wallpost');
ossn_register_menu_item('wallpost', array(
'name' => 'report',
'text' => ossn_print('report'),
'href' => $report,
You should also see https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/wiki/view/739/naming-convention-for-components-and-themes Should not start name with Ossn except core components.
There is already a paid component https://www.openteknik.com/product/view/1768/reported-contents
However you need to do following to register a notification , see my answer here https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/discussion/view/2967/how-to-send-notifications-to-users-using-ossnnotifications-class)?offset=2
here replace :type to your :type example :reportnotification
function init_function(){
ossn_add_hook('notification:view', 'notification:type', 'notification_view');
ossn_add_hook('notification:add', 'notification:type', 'notification_add_config');
function notification_view($hook, $type, $return, $params){
see the notifcation:view of other components
return //
function notification_add_config($hook, $type, $return, $params){
$params['owner_guid'] = $params['notification_owner']
return $params
then you can add following to add notifcation
$notification = new OssnNotifications;
$notification->add(type, guid of user who will see notification, subject guid which cause this notification....);
However your question regarding
ossngetobjectownerguid and retrieve the number of user who created a given post
If you have a wall post object then by calling $user = ossn_user_by_guid($wall->poster_guid)
you can get a user object who created the post.
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
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