Video upload problem and need to edit text

Mick Dawlings Posted in Technical Support 12 months ago

I tried uploading a 2 second video and the site keeps showing that it's converting then crashing.
The file is only 5MB and the site is set to 60 seconds, 100MB. However, there seems to be a minimum too?
Is there a minimum setting somewhere? I didn't see one in the video settings so maybe it's the OS, ffmpeg?

The conversion seems to be looping, getting getting through the conversion almost to the end and then resets.

Also, the following text shows up when a video is not accepted;
"The "add video" page says this: Video will be shorten to utmost 60 seconds"

The English in this needs to be updated to something like;
"This video will the shortened to at most, 60 seconds of play time."

How, where can I change English text?

Also, the time is European and I need it to be US.
Birth date on sign up date-month-year instead of month-date-year.

How can I change this?

us Mick Dawlings Replied 12 months ago

This can be closed since I better understand using hello world now.

us Mick Dawlings Replied 12 months ago

You mentioned in my other post;

you need to edit language files and flush cache

Here you mention using the hello component.
Does this mean we use the hello world component to make English text updates for example along with customizing other parts of components using this one component? As in, this one component will override the parts of other components that we'd like to customize?

If that's the case, can I assume then that upgrades do not overwrite the hello world files which is why this method works?

At one point, I was editing something and when I was done, the site said I could not edit this anymore. Is there a way to change this functionality to allow more time. There is nothing more frustrating than writing replies that vanish with an message saying timed out. The message should never be lost.

I don't see any way of picking who gets to see any video I upload, public, friends, myself only perhaps. This is true for events and pages as well where all of those should have such a setting to make them more useful in a somewhat role based platform like this.

Hope to see those things coming :).

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 12 months ago

Simply create a new component or download HelloWorld (2.3) and edit it. In locale/ossn.en.php copy the existing string from the existing locale file of other component and add it in locale/ossn.en.php and flush cache.

Suggest you to not to edit core files it get replaced during upgrade Instead create a component and override files using components plugins.

Also, why did the short video get the looping error? Any thoughts on that?

No idea simply send the details to openteknik to look

us Mick Dawlings Replied 12 months ago


So when I change things at the file level, how will upgrades work out?
Does flushing the cache mean that the changes become permanent in the DB or something so that upgrades aren't a huge manual process?

Why did the short video get the looping error? Any thoughts on that? Is there a setting for minimum video?

I don't see any way of picking who gets to see any video I upload, public, friends, myself only perhaps.

How do I change the time format to USA, site wide?

And the other things I had asked :).

Is there a way to change the order of Links for example so that a custom page could be at the top?

Is there a way to rename items? For example, I'd like to change 'Business Page' to 'Pages'.
I assume this can be done by editing text based on your reply.

I tried editing a post comment and the site said I could not edit this anymore. It didn't offer me a cancel option.
As admin, I would like to set that time allowed to edit if any at all.

Thank you.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 12 months ago

You can change language in locales


Change it and flush cache in admin panel same with other places you can change other components language and flush cache