Can we request code here at this place can I write some or can you write it to me here.
By default wall profile photo (xxx changed profile photo) is visible to only friends
If I want to add this code on php I do how to do it
$profile->addPhotoWallPost($file->owner_guid, $resize->{0}->guid);
because I would like the profile image to be visible only to people who want to add it to their friends
When I do :
if(ossn_isLoggedin() && ossn_user_is_friend(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, <id>)){
$profile->addPhotoWallPost($file->owner_guid, $resize->{0}->guid);
There is always a syntax error
Perfect ! If I want to hide a function from everyone only on a single profile :)
It is right below your comment
//show stuff for all users admin or normal users
//when all type of users not loggedin
I need please :
1. Administrator and user login
2. Administrator and user not logged in
I forgot admin and user connect only
Thank you very much for any wonderful function
-I would like to know the code to hide it from everyone except the administrator.
//show stuff for admins only
-I would like to have the code to display only to friends
if(ossn_isLoggedin() && ossn_user_is_friend(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, <id>)){
//replace ID with actual friend ID
//do stuff for friend
-I would like to have the code to display only to non-friend users
if(ossn_isLoggedin() && !ossn_user_is_friend(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, <id>)){
//replace ID with actual friend ID
Thank you for this code by the way it helps me a lot
The code you provided me which was to be hidden from everyone belonging to the logged in user.
<?php if(ossn_isLoggedin() && ossn_loggedin_user()->guid == $params['user']->guid){ ?>
<?php }?>
-I would like to know the code to hide it from everyone except the administrator.
-I would like to have the code to display only to friends
-I would like to have the code to display only to non-friend users
Provide some more details with screenshot so we can guide you
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