When not logged in, the following links have the following effects;
News feed - prompts me to login but no link/option to sign up.
Friends - shows the users friends list and should show login/sign up option.
Photos - shows the users photos and should show login/sign up option.
Notifications - shows a 404 page and should show login/signup option. These will get indexed which will lower the site's SEO a LOT.
Messages - shows a 404 page and should show login/signup option. These will get indexed which will lower the site's SEO a LOT.
Invite - shows a 404 page and should show login/signup option. These will get indexed which will lower the site's SEO a LOT.
I created a group called support. When NOT logged in, going to that URL shows the group and contents which is very confusing. Better for SEO but very confusing for someone who was given the link. Again, this should show a login/signup option.
Link to available groups shows them to a non logged in user.
Link to all videos shows them to a non logged in user.
This goes on and on throughout the site. The point is that these things are all inconsistent and would be confusing to anyone looking at the site. The owner of the site must be able to decide if the site can be seen publicly or if some sections of the site can be and if not, send them to a login/signup page.
The most important thing being that search engines do not see your site with a bunch of 404 or just as bad, never ending canonical links. If they see these, they will never, ever properly index your site.
I don't know how to fix any of this because I don't see any controls/options for taking care of these issues.
I used the hello world to get this done. Thanks.
Can you provide a url/link on how to do that please.
You can edit 404 error template
Sorry for so many posts. Trying to get this site up as soon as possible :).
If search engines see 404 over and over, that is not good for a site.
If a search engine is constantly redirected to the same page, that will be seen as endless canonical links, also bad for SEO.
I think the public and private options answer the other parts I posted about. The main problem, other than SEO is the inconsistency of the results. We should never get a 404, ever. It should at least show a login/signup page that says something like
Current; The page you requested is unavailable or may have been deleted.
The page you requested is either unavailable, may have been deleted or is set to private only. Please log in to see more on www.domain.com (link to login/signup.
You know, just something a little friendlier that will also help SEO.
Why SEO need to see messages?
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)