Blocking /administrator for security

Mick Dawlings Posted in Technical Support 12 months ago

From what I've seen and maybe I missed something, the only use that needs to use the /administrator url is the administrator/s of the site.

I've not noticed if anything else needs this such as search engines etcl.

If this is the case, to add a bit more security to the site then, can we block access to the /administrator url allowing only known IP/s.

I would just use the Apache allow/deny directives to https:/// for all but admin IP/s.

Any problem in doing this?

Thank you.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 12 months ago

The answer to your question is there is no problem doing that.

us Mick Dawlings Replied 12 months ago

I also forgot to add that I've tested this and it seems to be working without issue. Just want to make sure I'm not blocking something that should be open.