Question on OssnBlock 6.0

Druskus ZoneNations Posted in Technical Support 11 months ago

it has come to my attention after testing that the profile lock function works, but you can view the blocked user's posts and comments. Would it be possible to implement this feature?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 11 months ago

enter image description here

Hmm, seems like I'm acting from kind of a parallel universe?!?

In the end, even my registration was approved as the avatar shows.
Obviousy you installed the autovalidation component which logged me in and forwarded me to /home at your site automatically. And that's where the crash occurs.

And things start to make sense now, because you edited container.php as advised. But there's a missing closing bracket ] in that code, and this is causing the crash on just /home. Other pages are working fine.

So, editing the line again like

<textarea placeholder="<?php echo ossn_print('wall:post:container', [ossn_loggedin_user()->username]); ?>" name="post"></textarea>

should fix the problem.

Italian Druskus ZoneNations Replied 11 months ago

The site link is correct, but it is not accessible.
Please consider the case closed for the time being.
As soon as I have access I will see about reopening the case.
I thank you for everything.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 11 months ago

Sorry, but there's no hostility on my part.
I was just trying to clarify things.
You opened a bug report on OssnBlock and I was trying to reproduce that bug.
That's why I was trying to register on
assuming this IS the site in question
because someone registered the site under your name in my repository.
Now you wrote that YOUR TRUE site is blocked - so must be the wrong site I tried.

So, which IS YOUR site with the OssnBlock issue?

Italian Druskus ZoneNations Replied 11 months ago

Sorry, I don't understand this hostility of yours. I am an honest person. On a site where I don't have to register payments I always use my alias as I did on yours. Here I am registered under my own name. I have made payments by buying extensions regularly and I have also taken premium. I am volunteering without asking for anything in return in the spirit of sharing to provide the Italian translations also to thank you for the work you do. I don't feel I am disrespecting anyone, am I wrong? I can understand everything and I am fine with that. But to be blamed for something I did not do is unfair. If I have been wrong in something I apologize.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 11 months ago

Ooops, so it looks like someone created a fake account at
using your name, your avatar, and even your email address and providing the site url

That was the site I found the javascript issue and that was the site I was trying to register just an hour ago.

Now, that you wrote YOUR site is blocked and not accessable it obviously must be a different one.

Ok, in order to circumvent misunderstandings like that in the future, please accept the rules in
and provide detailed information next time

Italian Druskus ZoneNations Replied 11 months ago

I think you are not understanding me.
I'm not touching anything and I haven't changed the code, except for editing the bulletin board as I was advised to do yesterday, before everything crashed and I couldn't see whether or not the change worked.
I do not currently have any access to the site.
I would not need to lie if I ask for help.
The domain was blocked for me because I did not confirm the domain email nfor the public registry and it was my problem of receiving email.
The errors could be related to the suspended page of the register.enter image description here

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 11 months ago

Hmm ...
the javascript error disappeared, but on submitting the registration form I got
"a system error has occured"


Please understand that it makes no sense to report "bugs" here, if your Ossn is in a this way corrupted state.
Registering works flawlessly on a clean unmodified Ossn.

Italian Druskus ZoneNations Replied 11 months ago

hello thank you as soon as my domain restarts I will do some testing. It might depend on the readme component, I noticed since I installed it that when I use the bulletin board with the colored background, the background doesn't work. So it could be.
Michael I wanted to tell you that I have translated some of your components into Italian and would like to pass them to you as soon as I have access to the site again. I attach the files here, but I am not able to create a component. Arsalan Version 7.2 of OSSN in Italian was at 81 percent and I have completed that as well.

due to my mistake I had not confirmed the email and at the moment I get the domain suspended. On Monday it should theoretically be back online

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 11 months ago

t's impossible to even register at your site due to a javascript error on the frontpage
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).dialog is not a function
Disable 3rd party components step by step until this issue is fixed, first.
Then we have a chance to investigate that OssnBlock problem

Italian Druskus ZoneNations Replied 11 months ago

Hi, thank you, I had already read about this. The report was made to me by a normal user.
I am well aware that the admin sees everything :) I try where I can to use the search function so as not to disturb unnecessarily