Notifications for events and surveys.

Andrea Ted Posted in Technical Support 9 months ago

Notifications for events and surveys.

Hi, I am using the event and survey creation components. I can't figure out and find where the notification templates are defined. I have modified the notifications by including the time of when it was generated, but for events and polls I can't find them

vn Lane Jancy Replied 8 months ago

It appears that the notice template you are using is an older version. Your premium social media account requires an update.
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Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 months ago

Seems you are using old version not as notification template implemented recently. You need to update your premium social network

Italian Andrea Ted Replied 9 months ago

Yes I am using the premium version 6.6. I edited the file components/OssnNotifications/plugins/default/notifications/template/view.php but the changes are not being made that's why I believed the path to the file to be edited was wrong

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 9 months ago

If you are using latest version most of notifications have a single template.


I am assuming you are using premium social network version.