How to upload .HEIC photos?

Dominik L Posted in Technical Support 3 months ago

a few days ago I went from iOS to Android and all my old iOS photos on my new phone are, of course, in HEIC format.

The iPhone converted them automatically when uploading to my OSSN site, but the android doesn't

so how can I add HEIC support to my ossn website, so I don't need to download and convert all photos from google and reupload them again

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 months ago

Just had a look:
1. OssnPhotos has no hook to add 'heif' to the allowed file types
2. OssnFile has no hook to include a necessary heif->jpg converter
Thus, even if your site had something like the imagick php-extension (with heif support compiled in!)
currently I see no regular way to include it by means of a component. Maybe a future release of Ossn will be more flexible ...

On the other hand I can't really make friends with making Ossn a multi-purpose tool just because some people may have a bunch of files on their disk which won't display in the majority of today's browsers. So I'd suggest to better get yourself a batch tool and convert any exotic files in advance.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 months ago

You are not understanding nornal php can not do that. You can not achieve with component unless special tool on your server.

German Dominik L Replied 3 months ago

But how about a component, which converts HEIC images to jpeg while uploading?

Maybe someone can help me with a component, I would also pay for it