I'm running version 3.3. I installed the auto validate component. When I go to the component page and open the section for this component there is a red X inside a red circle. Does this mean the component is not operating?
Actually the fix was easier and was looking me right in the face. I had the red x and a button for disable. I clicked the disable button...it changed to enable. I clicked the enable button and the red x turned into a green check. I haven't tested it yet though. I've already used up all the email addys I had and need to go make another addy someplace when I get a few minutes.
Try to delete component and install latest version of it again.
Can you email us your website with :
1.) Backend Panel
2.) Cpanel Password / Phpmyadmin
According to MySql the component is active.
That would have been my first guess. However, to the right of the title there is a green check mark. When you unfold the entry there is a red x as well as a DISABLE button. That tells me that either it is enabled or there is some problem codewise.
You need to active the component after his installation.
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