You can override existing pages. Forexample you wanted to override group page handler. But you don't wanted to modify core files (which is recomeneded to not to override files) you can us this hook. `true` means halt the existing view. Example
function override_group_page(){
ossn_add_hook('page', 'override:view', 'override_page');
function override_page($hook, $type, $return, $params){
//this means only halt viewing the group edit page and not to effect other pages.
if(isset($params['handler']) && !empty($params['handler']) && $params['handler'] == 'group' && $params['page'][1] == 'edit'){
return true;
return false;
ossn_register_callback('ossn', 'init', 'override_group_page');
This need to be used in combination of