This will let you add the configuration page for your component in admin panel, in the configure menu. First you need to register a panel for your component in your component init function.
**Assumption** :
Component Name: HelloWorld
ComponentID : HelloWorld
Path : components/HelloWorld/
**Registering the panel**
function my_com_init_func(){
ossn_register_com_panel('HelloWorld', 'settings');
ossn_register_callback('ossn', 'init', 'my_com_init_func');
**Adding page file**
Create a new file on following path `components\HelloWorld\plugins\default\settings\administrator\HelloWorld\settings.php`
In that file you can add your text, form etc. Adding settings will be explained in different document.
**Visit the page**
Go to the admin panel. In the menu bar look for Configure option. In configure option click `HelloWorld`
Creating configure page for your component in administrator panel