Migration of Ossn 2.x components to v3.x
Suppose we wanted to migrate fancybox component,
To migrate the old component you have to do few changes.
Change ossn_com.xml file to v3.0 format
Open your ossn_com.xml file and change it to following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component xmlns="http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/v/3.0">
<author>Arsalan Shah</author>
<description>Open images of newsfeed in fancybox.</description>
<license>GNU General Public License, version 2</license>
Here the id is the exact path where Fancybox components files resides, 'fancybox' is the correct path:
components/fancybox/ossn_com.xml or components/[ID]/ossn_com.xml
Change the CSS and JS paths
Open a ossn_com.php file and find similar code:
ossnextendview('css/ossn.default', 'components/fancybox/css/fancybox.init');
Change it to :
ossnextendview('css/ossn.default', 'css/fancybox.init');
Do similar thing with JS find:
ossn_extend_view('js/opensource.socialnetwork', 'components/fancybox/js/fancybox.init');
ossn_extend_view('js/opensource.socialnetwork', 'js/fancybox.init');
Now, Create :
1.) New directory called plugins in components/fancybox/, so it appears as /components/fancybox/plugins/
2.) New directory called default in component/fancybox/plugins/, so it appears as /components/fancybox/plugins/default/
3.) New directory called css in /components/fancybox/plugins/default/, so it appears as /components/fancybox/plugins/default/css/
3.) New directory called js in /components/fancybox/plugins/default/, so it appears as /components/fancybox/plugins/default/js/
Move files form /components/fancybox/css/ to /components/fancybox/plugins/default/css/ and /components/fancybox/js/ to /components/fancybox/plugins/default/js/
Thats all , make a zip of component and install it using installer and then enable it.
If you have a directory called componentName/forms/ then move files form it into componentName/plugins/default/forms/componentName/
See updated component here: https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/component/view/369/fancybox
Arsalan Shah