adds a contact page to your site allowing visitors to send some feedback or ask a question.
The contact page is addressable via the link "Contact Us" in the footer of your site.
In this component i have used the following things that is usefull for others to build component
1.How to register page ?
2.How to write action ?
3.How to write the setting page ?
For the above question you can get the answer by seeing this plugin .
I hope this will helpfull for you guys to build a new one.
This component comes with two configurable settings on the admin backend
Contact page (default view)
Contact page (customized with extra html + openstreetmap iframe)
V 3.1
Crashes on trying to enable.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mycominit() (previously declared in /home/zmansnet/publichtml/osbt/forum/components/mycom/ossncom.php:17) in /home/zmansnet/publichtml/osbt/forum/components/contact/ossn_com.php on line 28
Why is a component named CONTACT calling a function named "MYCOM_init()" ?! Nobody would expect things like that to happen.
It would be a good idea to finally establish some STRICT naming conventions developers have to follow.
Otherwise sooner or later OSSN will become a minefield.