Hello Guys,
This is my first Component. I've missing a Captcha, so I create one with Google Recaptcha.
To use, just go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin and put your site name there, after generate the keys, put it on Admin Dashboard.
If want to improve the translation file, just fork the project and make a Pull Request.´
How to add to your component :
really useful!
i'd recommend only one change of line #11 of view.php to
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?hl=<?php echo ossn_site_settings('language'); ?>" async defer></script>
to make the captcha text appear in the same language as the site's default language
Very nice! Thank you so much for it! :)
Hi Jonathan!
Great work on the component.
Reporting a bug...
If the user has a validation problem in the form, like password is too short.
The google reCAPTCHA is not reset and even though it was clicked, itdoes not register as being valid any more.
The user has to refresh the page to an empty form, then re-input everything and click the reCAPTCHA again.
Can you reset the reCAPTCHA if the form isn't valid so the user has to re-click it?
Thanks for the hard work!!!
Great, Thank you Jonathan.
Very good. I'm using. Thank you very much https://ormoot.com
nice done, good job. Thnx
Nicely done, Good Job.