Flexi Download 2.5

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
Indonesian Arsalan Shah 6 years ago

A theme based on default goblue theme, it have larger sidebar with small width. Have bigger topbar. This is a initial version, you are welcome for bug reports, fixes https://github.com/lianglee/Flexi

Components recommended : Social Login, Mobile App, (latest member is included) , blog

Home Page

Login Page


  • Fixed admin menus for OSSN 7.0


  • Fixed issue with menu


  • Upgrade for OSSN 6.0


  • Issue when trying to view a post while not being logged in #9
  • Bug Report: Components overlapping #8
  • Sanitizing of latest friends widget #6
  • Duplicate tooltips in opened left menu #5


  1. very limited usability on screen widths from 767px - 1141px #7
German Dominik L Replied 2 years ago

Okay and second question:

In friends and new member widget is the first and last name visible, when you put the cursor in the picture.

How can I replace that with the username?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago


German Dominik L Replied 2 years ago

Hey, still waiting for an answer to my question 2 weeks ago 😅

German Dominik L Replied 2 years ago


Can I somehow disable that new members are shown on the login page?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Use latest version 2.3

us Roger Bunch Replied 2 years ago

When activating Flexi, I get the following error when trying to view the front page.

OssnDatabaseException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'r.relation_id' in 'order clause' 
 SELECT DISTINCT  u.guid, u.* FROM ossn_users as u JOIN ossn_relationships AS r1 ON r1.relation_to = u.guid AND r1.type = "friend:request" JOIN ossn_relationships AS r2 ON r2.relation_from = r1.relation_to AND r2.type = "friend:request" WHERE(u.time_created IS NOT NULL AND (r1.relation_from = '1'))  ORDER by r.relation_id DESC LIMIT 0, 10;  in /home/server1/mydomain.com/classes/OssnDatabase.php:148
Stack trace:
#0 /home/server1/mydomain.com/classes/OssnDatabase.php(281): OssnDatabase->execute(false)
#1 /home/server1/mydomain.com/classes/OssnUser.php(698): OssnDatabase->select(Array, true)
#2 /home/server1/mydomain.com/classes/OssnUser.php(450): OssnUser->searchUsers(Array)
#3 /home/server1/mydomain.com/themes/Flexi/plugins/default/flexi/friends_widget.php(16): OssnUser->getFriends(1, Array)
#4 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.views.php(27): include('/home/server1/...')
#5 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.views.php(50): ossn_include('/home/server1/...', Array)
#6 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.plugins.php(75): ossn_view('/home/server1/...', Array)
#7 /home/server1/mydomain.com/themes/Flexi/ossn_theme.php(51): ossn_plugin_view('flexi/friends_w...')
#8 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.system.php(223): flexi_latest_friends_widget('newsfeed', 'sidebar:right', Array, NULL)
#9 /home/server1/mydomain.com/themes/Flexi/plugins/default/theme/page/layout/newsfeed.php(14): ossn_call_hook('newsfeed', 'sidebar:right', NULL, Array)
#10 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.views.php(27): include('/home/server1/...')
#11 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.views.php(50): ossn_include('/home/server1/...', Array)
#12 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.plugins.php(75): ossn_view('/home/server1/...', Array)
#13 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.views.php(194): ossn_plugin_view('theme/page/layo...', Array)
#14 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.initialize.php(123): ossn_set_page_layout('newsfeed', Array)
#15 /home/server1/mydomain.com/libraries/ossn.lib.page.php(79): ossn_user_pagehandler(Array, 'home')
#16 /home/server1/mydomain.com/index.php(22): ossn_load_page('home', Array)
#17 {main}
us Roger Bunch Replied 2 years ago

This theme kills my site.

dk Lin Hu Replied 3 years ago

can you add a option for a logo in the theme header ?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago


German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

Group add fails if left menu is collapsed.
Changing line 129 of script like

$data = $(this).parent().attr('data-href-flexi');

makes it working for me.


Developer: Arsalan
License ossnv4
Type: Themes
Requires Ossn Version : 7.0
Latest Version: 2.5
Last Updated 10 months ago
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