SEO component with META tags, Twitter META tags, Google Site Verification and Open Graph.
You can edit your META and Open Graph information within Admin configuration Tab under "SEO Settings"
German and English (not so good) translations included.
Version 1.1: some extensions and improvements
One question:
The field "META - Website description." is meant for Google search, right?
Like this?
If yes, it's not working
This field is meant to enter one or more of the listed options, but not any file or directory name, thus the answer to your initial question is NO.
may be of help to get an idea...
there is a field for that, that's why I'm asking
Can you explain your intention?
The directories you mentioned are marked to be excluded from crawling in robots.txt,
so why do you want to name them in the site's header, then?
and which meta field would you use for that?
one question:
OSSN has a robots.txt inside the package
"cache, actions, classes, configurations, installation, locale, system, vendors, themes, upgrade"
can I just copy the values and put them into the SEO component?
Thanks for the update on this component.
OssnComponents:setComSETTINGS removed in core replaced with setSettings. You may use 1.2 version of this component.
The component works on premium 6.1 version. But in version 6.4 I got this error after press the save button
Exception: Call to undefined method OssnComponents:setComSETTINGS in .../
Stack trace:
#0 /.../ OssnBase->__call()
#1 /.../ include_once('/home/u59257155...')
#2 /.../ ossn_action()
#3 {main}
It seems it occurs on 6.3 too. Someone can take a look to confirm?
I entered info into the SEO Settings component fields, but when I save, I get this system error:
Using OSSN 6.3
Congrats for your component, Daniel.
Can you put code on GitHub? I want to send translation in PT to your component.