Mentions UI Download 3.2

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
Indonesian Arsalan Shah 4 years ago


This component allow users to mention other friends into the comments (only). Once the comment is submitted people can view mentioned user profile also.

This is just a UI and doesn't send any notification to mentioned user, for that purpose you can use mentioned users component on top of this :

During mention it doesn't support spaces example @Some User it will not return anything but @Some will return friends with such a name. It will only show a friends not all users.

enter image description here

Mentions UI 3.2

  • Support Display Usernames component.

Mentions UI 3.1

  • Show a error message if no match found
  • Improved search method
  • Show names in actual comments.

Mentions UI 2.0

  • Show list in comment edit
  • Make it work in pagination.
  • Display name in list only that you matches your @query
  • Display names after comment is created
  • Disable tag inside tag bug
German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Confirmed, James.
And I already dropped Arsalan a note because of that.
Actually, the current release is throwing a Javascript error on every page which has NO comment fields, triggering follow-up malfunctions like yours.

gb JACK AMPERES Replied 4 years ago

i believe ive found an issue where this effects the layout of certain pages, ive tried this with greenbygreen and tayona pink themes both awesome themes btw. here is the result when listing groups,members or blogs, or search options , basically anything that uses this type of listing ends up in a overlap. enter image description here , when i disable it any listings function as they should , shown in the other image where there is no overlap,
![enter image description here][ATTACHMENT:4859]
enter image description here

us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

Well... thanks for the feedback on it. I am going to go ahead and use it as it is then, and see if users get confused when making comments. Hopefully most of them will figure it out. users aren't always the sharpest knives in the drawer. LOL! Thanks.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago
  • Friends list to global scope is outside scope of this component.
  • Showing names while typing (when mention is selected) is not really possible, even if it were , I have done it initially in 1.x version.
us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

Even if it only stayed friends list, but the username showing at all in the typed text were gone, I would still pay for that. It is going to confuse end users when they are typing comments.

us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

2.1 is close. My oppinion, take it or leave it, is if you want it to be clean and professional 2 more little things fixed would make it perfect...

  • When user is typing message. after selecting the user their username is showing in the typed text until the comment is saved... then the first and last name show.

  • Still limited to only friends list. It gives an inconstant experience when users not on the friends list is mentioned.

Those two things fixed, and I would call it perfect. I would even pay for that!


us William Shoap Replied 4 years ago

This works perfectly now. Thank you!

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

@William, 2.1 will show names

us William Shoap Replied 4 years ago

I just installed and noticed two things. I note that I have both the MentionUsers 1.9.1 and this new component installed. I am on 5.6 Premium.

  1. This new component properly pulls up a list of friends names, but it posts the username and not the full name of the users. This is very important to have since you can't always identify a user by their username.

Text removed that is not related to this component

ph Sepiroth X Replied 4 years ago

This is very useful! Thank you so much Mr. Arsalan Shah!


Developer: Arsalan
License ossnv4
Type: Tools
Requires Ossn Version : 6.4
Latest Version: 3.2
Last Updated 2 years ago
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