This component gives your OSSN installation embeddable pages and functions from, including the main Google search page (with button for opening it in a new window), an embedded Maps page (with button for Maps), and a Translate page with a translate site function bar and a button for translating dialogue. Presently maps is set to Cheyenne Mountain. You have to go to Google maps to get the embeddable map point you want to show.
V1.0 - Initial release.
V1.1 - Made the iframes responsive. Simply change ratio in css file to edit for your site.
Changing the code and keeping the same version number isn't a really good idea anyway.
There are still those errors not sure where you copied that code for pages and left unused variables.
@~Z~ Man - I'm not getting the same error messages but I looked at the code and made some slight changes. Just uploaded a new v1.1 for you to try. Hopefully it will clear up any issues.
My errorlog shows:
PHP WARNING: 2021-07-23 14:19:18 (CEST): "Undefined array key 1" in file components/Google/ossncom.php (line 70)
PHP WARNING: 2021-07-23 14:21:48 (CEST): "Undefined array key 2" in file components/Google/ossncom.php (line 88)
PHP WARNING: 2021-07-23 14:22:43 (CEST): "Undefined array key 3" in file components/Google/ossncom.php (line 106)