Home Page Posts Download 1.3

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] 3 years ago

This component allows users to decide to see posts from all or friends only by showing two options below the new post block in News Feed.



How to support

If you want to help me to make more components, click on the button down bellow and buy me a coffee. It's up to you how much coffee I'll drink :-)


  • Version 1.3

    • Fix Avoid caching the JS files. Thanks to Arsalan Shah to solve the issue and Tamás Varga for finding the glitch.
    • Added all OSSN supported languages. Except for EN, PT, and ES files, all others need to be translated

Known issue

If any other component uses the ossngethomepagewallaccess() function it is necessary to change it to hpagepostsgethomepagewall_access() for everything to work correctly. As far as I know, this function is used in the following components:

  • HashTag
  • PopularPosts

Thanks to Hugo for testing and reporting


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

Well, it looks like you've tweaked your CSS some way. At least I don't know any theme which comes with a green background of that element. So please provide more information. See

us Anna Ayva Replied 2 years ago

Why do I have this problem and the green bar is higher and the sections are not next to each other but in below? Where should I correct their sizes?enter image description here

Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 2 years ago

Rafael: You're right. that's for sure. I'm not a programmer, I don't know how to eat a condition.

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] Replied 2 years ago


It's possible add a default language using custom profile fields component. After that, it's possible to add one more condition to get posts from users with same default language.

Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 2 years ago

Idea. OSSN monitors what language a user speaks in their profile. Those who speak English will only show the feed in English, if the account setup speaks Hungarian, only Hungarian users will see it. Good for a start.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

@Tamas it will be huge work. Besides that you don't know which langauge the post is created.

Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 2 years ago

I want users to come in more than one language. Is it possible to automatically show only entries for people whose language is the same as my language? It's good for friends in all languages ​​to see your post. All user posts will only be available in the language I set. Can it be solved?

Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 2 years ago

Works great, thank you for your work!

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

wouldn't it make sense to change the init to

if(ossn_isLoggedin() && !ossn_loggedin_user()->canModerate()) {

? I mean, if I'm logged in as admin and clicking these links doesn't make a difference - why should I see them at all? :)

cl Erassus ︎ ︎ Replied 2 years ago

Thanks for the update Rafael, tested and working fine, if i find any problem i will comment that asap.


Developer: Rafael
License ossnv4
Type: Uncategorized
Requires Ossn Version : 6.0
Latest Version: 1.3
Last Updated 2 years ago
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