Profile And Group Post Notifier

German Michael Zülsdorff 3 years ago

Profile And Group Post Notifier

This component

  • notifies a member when someone submitted a post on his profile page
  • notifies every group member when someone submitted a post in that group

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German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

Hi Hugo,
dev3 will fetch ALL member records now.
You may control the number of fetched records (see my comments on line 35/36)
if the delay after clicking 'post' is getting too long.
Actually I'm curious how many members it will handle in a satisfying way now ... :)

One thing to note:
Since you had a look into your notification table already, you will see that all created records of type 'group:post' and 'profile:post' will be deleted when the related post has been deleted. Because that's in fact done by my component.
On the other hand that means:

  • Creating a post with this component enabled (-> gives notification records)
  • Disabling/Removing this component
  • Removing that post

will leave orphaned notification records in place pointing to posts which aren't available anymore. This wouldn't crash your site, but your members are getting these 404 pages when clicking their notification.

cl Erassus ︎ ︎ Replied 3 years ago

I made a new test from zero.

  • Administrator user (GUID 1) create a "Test" group.
  • Using CSV User Import to make 1000 dummy users.

with administrator user (GUID 1) i create a post in the group.

Users from GUID 2 to GUID 10 received notification (9 users)

Then i tested with user GUID 1000 (User 0999) to make a post in the group.

Users between guid 1 to 10 received a notification (10 users)

Then i made another test with the user 0009 (GUID 10) creating a post in the group.

Users between guid 1 to 9 received a notification (9 users)

Database validation:

enter image description here

Front end screenshots:

enter image description here

Administrator notifications - Owner of the group (USER GUID 1)

enter image description here

User 0999 (GUID 1000) notifications (none) :

enter image description here

User 0009 (GUID 10) notifications :

enter image description here

User 0010 (GUID 11) notifications (none) :

enter image description here

As a concept, the notifications works (for the first 9-10 members) i wanted to test what happens if the notification goes to all in the database, but i agree with you, a better mechanism like a cron job is better.

Thanks for the patience.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

Thank you very much for you feedback, Hugo
Dev2 comes with notifications on group posts now.
Example below: Micha did a new post in Group One, and Honey and Botox - both members of that group got notified.

Basically working this way - but I have my concerns about the scaling on groups with thousends of members since creating a datase record for each one will take its time. So thinking in longer terms this should perhaps better handled by an asynchron cron job.

Maybe you do have the time to create a bunch of fake users and see what happens ;)

enter image description here

cl Erassus ︎ ︎ Replied 3 years ago

Hello Michael,

I have set up a virtual machine for testing and it works as expected.

I did a chained test.

User A > User B ✓
User B > User C ✓
User C > User A ✓


User B > User A ✓
User B > User A ✓
User B > User A ✓

The user receives each corresponding notification of each new publication in the profile.

Tested in a fresh install with latest dev branch.

Thanks, i will wait when the component is ready for production with the groups notifications.


Developer: Michael
License GPL v2
Type: Uncategorized
Requires Ossn Version : 7.1
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