Creates a wall posts list for public posts, at (when not loggedin)
On that post there are many images what image you wanted to add?
Simply edit view.php of this component and add at end
<meta property="og:image" content="https://path to image" />
I think an image is needed when the mydomain/wallposts post is published on Facebook.
Works great with OSSN 5.6 too! Many thanks Arsalan!
Hello Arslan I hope you are doing well.
I wonder if there is a possibility to improve this component so as to display the blogs also so that the public content will be richer. I also noticed a small Bug, when we add a new blog, there are an empty record {"post":"null:data"} which is inserted into the database and it creates an empty posts in the display of '/wallposts'. Have a good day
Thanks, amazing work as always!