Strict Email Login
Allow only the user to login only with email, a Open Source Social Network component. It is a modified component by lianglee (structural, ossn-com.php file) but the actions code are a modified OSSN v7.0. The ossn-com.xml was based on the information on OSSN's website.
A fork of: (Discontinued, applied to OSSN Core)
Note on the OSSN version requirement
It is possible to install this and make it work on older versions of OSSN, but I cannot gurantee that will work on those versions as I have not reviewed the code of those versions.
If you are brave to try on older versions of OSSN, feel free to change the ossn_com.xml file's requirement lower to meet your needs.
Now 100% working with no problems on OSSN v7.0, Make sure you are using version 1.3 or higher to make sure everything works fine.
@Arsalan Shah
To be simple, I need to declare that the username in the login.php files will be called "useremail" so I overrided the forms. If I change the "username" print name from Username to Email Address it will cause to make the 3 email signup fields to appear. So Basically decalring the username as email, will make the signup fields suffer and that's why I immediately worked to fix that and made versions 1.1 (Band-Aid Fix) and hours later the latest version 1.2 (The fix).
. You just need to register the actions and take username as the email.
Causes conflict with signup. Install the original component and try to sign-up. You will be surprised to see 3 email fields.
@Arsalan Shah the problem is the signup field (3 email fields exist). For me it works but not sure if mixed with other components.
@Arsalan Shah
Issue (not certainly a bug):
In the sign up field there is a 3 email address. The 2 are real email address and the other one is the username. I will look and fix it in version 1.1 as soon as possible.
Just question is why you are overriding the forms? the original component doesn't override the forms. You just need to register the actions and take username as the email. + Changing the locale string as done in existing component.
Your 1.0 was working fine until you created new changes :) 1.0 version working fine I just tested again. Why you created new one?
I want to give credits to:
•The OSSN Github Repository
•Hello World Component
•ReCaptcha v2 Component
•OSSN Documentation
For helping me to fix the disaster of this component project and for the version 1.2.
Now, I recommend using this component again. The issue was just a naming (Email Address vs Username) issue but fixed.
Version 1.2
A comeback release and a release finally fixing the problems this component had.
I have fixed it. Will release it right after testing.
Summary of what's going on...
1.) I discovered that this component created 3 email address fields due to the problem.
2.) I discovered the solution but stuck in discovering how to implement it.
For those wanting to help me please look at my github repository linked below.
1.) How to modify PHP files under system/plugins/default/forms/admin/login.php and systen/plugins/default/forms/login.php
The solution is simple.
I need to change the login.php files on:
But how, using the component way?
Is this correct?
ossn_extend_view('forms/ossn.default', 'StrictEmailLogin/plugins/default/forms/login.php');
ossn_extend_view('admin/ossn.default', 'StrictEmailLogin/plugins/default/forms/admin/login.php');
It does not work.
using my modified files because these files contain the ossn locale print name.