Please is it possible to remove the Sign up form re-enter email?

Darry James Posted in Beginning Developers 8 years ago

Please I would like to remove the user sign up form re-enter email. And make that of the password field be re-enter password.
I tried removing the re-enter email but after that user registration failed to sign up.
I would like to remove the re-enter email field and use re-enter password field.
Any help here will highly be appreciated!!

German Claus Lampert Replied 8 years ago

P.S.: I don´t dare to edit /locale/ossn_en.php because everytime I try to edit this file my whole site crashes and I have to restore the original ossn_en.php from a backup. Maybe this is not a bug but a feature.

German Claus Lampert Replied 8 years ago

Additional password-check:

File: /actions/user/register.php
Line 21 add:

$user['repassword'] = input('password_re');

File: /system/plugins/default/forms/signup.php
Line 28 add:

<input type="password" name="password_re" placeholder="<?php echo ossn_print('password'); ?>" class="long-input"/>

File: /system/plugins/default/forms/signup.php
Line 47 add:

if ($user['repassword'] !== $user['passwort']) {
    $em['dataerr'] = ossn_print('password:error:matching');
    echo json_encode($em);
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