Hello Everyone,
We are working on Ossn v3, with :
If you have any idea that you want in Ossn Core, please let us know.
habe ein kleines problem
als ich meine url aufgerufen habe www.meineurl.de/home
zeigt er mir an das configuratios is not writable
kannst du mir bitte eine Anleitung geben wo hervor geht welch ordner und datein welche chmod bekommen Danke
lg christian
One unique theme not related to any present social network.
emphasized textHello. I;m not a technical person, but Some thngs that would be nice features since you are asking in my opinion are:
Just a few ideas that come to mind. Thank you for a great script, and look forward seeing the updated version
David Toro
/components/OssnWall/forms/user/container.php file 16. line:
/components/OssnWall/forms/home/container.php file 20. line:
post replace status phrase
<div class="text"><?php echo ossn_print('status'); ?></div>
hmac +bcrypt for hashing users passwords
reason behind this is this:
//// create the hmac /////
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha512', $pass1, file_get_contents('secret/key.txt'));
//// create random bytes for salt ////
$bytes = mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
//// Create salt and replace + with . ////
$salt = strtr(base64_encode($bytes), '+', '.');
//// make sure our bcrypt hash is 22 characters which is the required length ////
$salt = substr($salt, 0, 22);
//// This is the hashed password to store in the db ////
$bcrypt = crypt($hmac, '$2y$12$' . $salt);
$token = md5($bcrypt);
//// query to check if email is in the db already ////
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT email FROM members WHERE email=:email1 LIMIT 1");
$count = $stmt->rowCount();
catch(PDOException $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
$db = null;
with a secret.txt and a key.txt file for encryption/hashing purposes
So what is it that makes this stronger than the other approaches?
The answer is simple: The key. Since it is static, meaning that it is the same for all passwords, we can store it in a file outside the document root, or protected by .htaccess. This means that an attacker would have to successfully complete two attacks for the data to be useful. First find an SQL injection vulnerability to get all password hashes, then break the filesystem to get the locally stored static key.
So, let's consider the following scenario
Stage 1: We have used this method to store users passwords, and an attacker has successfully executed an SQL injection attack and is now in the posession of all password hashes and sees right away that it's bcrypt.
Stage 2: The attacker now does an attempt to crack some hashes, and WOW, guess what, (s)he did it!
Stage 3: Now what? Well, (s)he is now the proud owner of another hash, which in order to break easily, (s)he would have to break the filesystem (which is not easy)
So as long as you're not the FBI, NASA, Pentagon, CIA, etc, it's just too much effort that needs to be put into this, so the attacker will most likely just drop the whole thing and find another victim, and your users data remains safe.
So, how do we do this?
The very first thing we need to do it to generate the static key to use with HMAC, and my method of choice is the following.
echo base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(128));
The key I was given by the above code was
Remember that you will not get the same result since its, well, random.
I now copied that string and saved it into a file called key.txt. This file should live outside the document root, if that is not possible it must be protected by .htaccess
It's time to secure the passwords
The password we will use in this example is
$password = '=^<.6:6(xF>#8*6';
Step 1: Create a HMAC hash
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha512', $password, file_get_contents('path/to/key.txt'));
If you are using the same key, password and algorithm as me the value of your $hmac should be
Step 2: Create a salt to use with bcrypt
The first thing we need to do is to generate a set of random bytes. I will show two ways that provides strong cryptographigal entropy. First is openssl_random_pseudo_bytes, which is also the function suggested by Mozilla
$bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
Another posiblity is using mcrypt_create_iv with MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM as the source
$bytes = mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
So if you don't have access to openssl_random_pseudo_bytes, then mcrypt_create_iv is what you should use.
When we have generated a set of random bytes, we need to turn this into a string which we do by encoding it to base64 replace all plus signs (+) with periods (.) since plus signs are not allowed in the bcrypt salt. Then we extract 22 characters from the base64 encoding because the required salt length for bcrypt is 22
$salt = strtr(base64_encode($bytes), '+', '.');
$salt = substr($salt, 0, 22);
Step 3: Create the hash that will be stored in the database
$bcrypt = crypt($hmac, '$2y$12$' . $salt);
The hmac hash is now encrypted with the blowfish algorithm.
Now we need to validate passwords
Validating a password using this method is just as easy as validating a single layer bcrypt hash only that instead of using the plain text password we use the hmac hash
Step 1: Create hmac hash
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha512', $password, file_get_contents('path/to/key.txt'));
Step 2: Perform validation
if (crypt($hmac, $hash) === $hash) {
echo 'Valid password';
} else {
echo 'Invalid password';
$hash is the hash stored in the database.
lol lee meant backend feature's not frontend
here are some ideas about features from me:
Delete messages,
yes, delete a group,
block user,
Comment with smilies,
Content Formatting, allow html
more options in groups,
more components settings,
newsletter with html,
browse users in the admin area,
deleting a user with all the activities
Thank you for your great work
@All, by ideas i didn't mean features, i mean php methods, libraries, etc.
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)