I have been thinking lately that we really need a component or something to watch/scrape the components page looking for changes to the available download versions of our other installed components. I would be willing to contribute some help if we could get some help from the OSSN team of maybe an API endpoint returning components from the all components list and any metadata about each component. The true bummer I think is that the true component name from the xml isn't actually stored on the component page anywhere but maybe we could backfill this info.
I just say this because my MentionUsers component has seen lots of updates over the course of the last two weeks not because I'm sloppy but because I'm learning and very responsive to bugs. So if someone was an infrequent visitor they might have grabbed v1.2 and I'm now at 1.9
We would also need the OSSN compatible version as well. Man I am a scatter brain tonight. I would say let's just give whatever you think could be useful and at least the component page url. But we really need to figure out how to get a 1 to 1 match of a component on the installed site compared to it's pairing on the OSSN site. The only thing I can think of is to use the actual component name from the xml and backfill this information into the existing components on this site
Ah i see what you mean since there is no way to find exactly what component update is for (com id). I will think about it.
Can we add a new field in the component screen for the xml component name that would be the one from the OSSN xml file and backfill this in for the existing components that they could have a match? Regarding the version, the one the user fills out on the component page is fine and I assume the component page url and possibly download url for that version would be possible?
We can provide API to provide latest version of component available. (Not from xml file but the version developer enter upon uploading update)
What do you think would be a good route to go down Arsalan?
Yeah I would think short term goals it would be nice for the API to provide the name of the components from the xml file (so it can be "joined" to a component installed with the same name), the highest available version number, and a link to components page on this site. Long term goals I could see people wanting to be able to download the updated zip right from their administrator panel and be able to install it in one click. So we would need the download url in that case too.
We can provide a open API for that , from this community. I will take a look.
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)