Please Help. Both Login Form and Create Account Form not Responding

Gasar Iyali Posted in Technical Support 4 years ago

Please help. Both the Create Account form and the Login form are not responding. Validated members complain that they cannot login. When they type in their Username and password into the login form it simply refreshes itself and displays a blank page. It is supposed to open the registered members page.
The Create Account form does the same thing. My website is at When one tries to create an account the webpage refreshes and displays an empty form. When it was working properly once the Create Account button is clicked it shows a message saying the account was successfully created and that the person should check his email. Now nothing happens. Please help

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

@Shalomim, the problem right now is that the register action is not triggered. We are not sure what exactly is wrong. Try to disable custom fields in administrator panel and try to signup and see if that works for you?

Since you seems using non-free version you should contact and ask them to look into it for you.

us Shalomim HaLahawi Replied 4 years ago

So are you saying having too many questions is blocking the signup....? And trust me, this is ministry oriented, everyone understands they have to answer all the questions...I even filled out all of the questions to create a 2nd account and it was still the same situation after answering everything...... so is it the fact that there are too many questions to answer? Because if that has nothing to do with it, then those questions will remain the same and won't be reduced(as those who don't want to answer all of the mandatory questions don't have to sign up and won't get membership anyways.

us Shalomim HaLahawi Replied 4 years ago

@Z-man points to is the actual domain hosting site........ So the forwarding works but whether one uses achi-social or the domain hosting link direct, no one can sign up...i have to manually sign people up and then they are able to login using either or directly to

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Using nslookup gives

Address: name =

Address: name =

You mentioned two different domain names which are currently pointing to two different servers.
If you want to make them point to the same server ask your provider to change the nameserver records accordingly and verify you have an identical setting in the file configurations/

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Agree with Bob, your signup form have too many custom fields, try to edit them and mark them not-required and see if that resolves your issue?

German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

Your sign-up form is filled with a lot of information that should never be required on sign-up.
I hope you do realize that, if any single field is a required field for sign-up and the person signing up feels they don't need to provide that information at this time and don't fill it out, the registration WILL NOT work and they won't even get an error that a required field is not completed.
To avoid this, require only minimal information on the sign-up page.

Furthermore, it helps to provide better detailed information about your browser and such to try to be able to duplicate the problem.

us Shalomim HaLahawi Replied 4 years ago

Suddenly I am having the exact same problem....I have changed, altered or deleted anything and suddenly No one can log in when they use may domain name when the generic link is masked. However they can log in when the domain name redirects unmasked (, yet no new users can sign up to create an account....The button does nothing when you press create account

gb Kevin B Replied 4 years ago

What have you done so far? Have you googled the 406 error like I suggested?

Have you checked permissions on the .htaccess to make sure mod_rewrite is enabled/configured correctly?

Has it ever worked?

Have you made any changes to it which tie in with when it stopped working?

I would suggest starting with a completely fresh install of OSSN. See if that works. Use Softaculous in the cpanel if you have it, because if it doesnt work you should be able to log a support ticket with your hosting company to look into it. They may even look into the logs for you to see if there is any record of failed redirects or dropped sessions etc.

This community will generally provide support if there is an issue with OSSN itself, but this definitely seems like a server config issue - and you really need to investigate it on your end first.

If you can't install OSSN fresh with no modifications - then its definitely server configuration.

If you can install a fresh copy, which works fine, then the problem lays in something you have modified on your website. Only you will know what you have modified.

I do hope you figure it out :)

ng Gasar Iyali Replied 4 years ago

Hi Kevin. I really appreciate your going through all this for me. What would you advise or suggest that I do? I am the website owner. I have access to the Cpanel and I have access to WHM(Web Host Manager. What would you suggest that I do? Where could I go in the cpanel to unblock the Mod Security?
I had earlier tried to install OSSN on my top-level domain. And It gave the same problem. What can I do now to clear this issue? Thanks

gb Kevin B Replied 4 years ago

I tried the register/login page and the post is being sent to the server, and the server is responding with the login page.
So i tried a curl request and got this error:

<html><head><title>Error 406 - Not
Acceptable</title><head><body><h1>Error 406 - Not
Acceptable</h1>Generally a 406 error is caused because a request
has been blocked by Mod Security. If you believe that your request has
been blocked by mistake please contact the web site
owner.</p></body></html>* Connection #0 to host left intact

I don't know any further troubleshooting at the moment, but this should at least give you something to investigat/google. :)