What am I missing here?
in the section for echoing out the notification, I am wanting to place effectively a Mark As Read icon, that a person can click or tap, to mark the individual notification as read. I'd really like to add in a delete notification so that users can delete useless notifications, such as "like comments" etc. to save on space... but...
The problem is that $params['notifications'] in the foreach statement doesn't have anything in 'guid', 'subject-guid' or 'item-guid'. How do I reference the individual notification to get the id number to pass to 'notifications/read/' or to the 'notifications/delete/' when I make the link using ossn-site-url(...)?
Thank you for your help!
EDIT: replaced the _'s with -'s because it was doing weird italics.
Now that is where you Job is started :) Its now up to you about how you can handle these.
Okay, so I have fixed the double appearance.
I now have it looking pretty cool...
The last thing to conquer is it actually doing what it says it does, and also not take the user to a 'page not found' error. But, it's getting there!
Well 404 means URL didn't exists and that make sense there is no such a URL exists. Regarding double appearance.
I don't understand also why $version == "6.0" and 5.6 have different URLS? I didn't meant 6.0 codes to these I mean the notification types I mentioned are some from 6.0
You need to check if you didn't added that component twice in the system or it didn't exists twice in components table.
@Arsalan, Thank you!!!
I have the code in a new component, tentatively dubbed "MarkNotification". I'm encountering a couple of things, that I didn't expect.
First: it pops it in twice. (I have no idea why, but...
And secondly, both the code that you gave me, and recreating the notification's code both redirect to 404 error: page not found. It does mark it -- as the badge number goes down; but instead of refreshing to where they were (REF) or home ('home') it always goes to a 404 error page.
And the delete doesn't delete...
In the image, "Mark ✔️" marks the notification, and "❌ " deletes the notification. (Supposed to, anyways.)
$version = $Ossn->siteSettings->site_version; //may be off, because hand writing it here from memory; Uses the code from getsettings function.
$location = urlencode(ossn_site_url('home'));
if ($version <= "5.6") {
$frag->appendXml("<a href='notification/read/{$notification_guid}?notification={$location}' style='position:relative;float:right;' title='{$notif_title}'>Mark ✔️</a>");
} elseif ($version == "6.0") {
$frag->appendXml("<a href='read?guid={$notification_guid}' style='position:relative;float:right;' title='{$notif_title}'>Mark ✔️</a>");
} else {
return; // exit if not an appropriate version.
Create a new component and add following in your ossn_com.php
function ossn_notifications_custom_init(){
$alltypes = array(
foreach ($alltypes as $type){
ossn_add_hook('notification:view', $type, 'notificaiton_insert_custom_html');
function notificaiton_insert_custom_html($hook, $htype, $return, $params){
$notification_guid = $params->guid;
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$div = $doc->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0);
$frag = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
$frag->appendXml("<a href='read?guid={$notification_guid}'><input type='radio' /></a>");
return $doc->saveHTML();
return $return;
ossn_register_callback('ossn', 'init', 'ossn_notifications_custom_init');
Right now each notification type template is handled via component file. The only way is to write a notification:view hooks again for each type but you can avoid that by above code just insert a new tag for each notification template.
NOTE The types will change in OSSN 6.0 and I tried to include new types from v6.0 in above code also.
You can adjust the style and position the element as per your need.
Hello Michieal~Coder~ . Can u provide me your email address? I have some queries regarding attachments in 1:1 messages. I can pay you if you can solve those issues. My email id is : [email protected]
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