A simple responsive theme optimized for mobile usability, featuring ...
Two more small issues with this theme
1. Favicon is not working
2. Small difference between the footer and background and it is present in numerous pages such as: notifications, messages, invite, groups, all-blogs, my-blogs pages
3. I very strange full screen display in text editor mode in the ck-editor, from the Add Blog page, please have a look bellow.
Fixes are included with 1.4
I am including few suggestion please have a look in the attached image
on the login page the signup is showing a popup but the login takes a change in url so can this be too associated with a popup, that will stop unnecessary reload of page at /login.
In order to accommodate the footer and make it visual why not to move it to the left sidebar for the login users and make open only the links sub-menu at the /home page?
This 'feature' doesn't need to be implemented - it is part of the core system.
Simply disable the OssnAutopagination component and you'll get what you described.
Long time ago, the majority of Ossn users was asking for 'endless scrolling', that's why we made it a core component which is enabled by default.
I am thinking why not to implement a feature that is similar to the base of the component or community page i.e., First|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|Last
converting the pages into sub-pages type of thing, having different 9 sub-pages and when there is more feeds which exceeds the 9th sub-page the part of the them should take this form
Well this can be implemented into the feeds and blog pages and this can fix the problem of dual footer problem for ever.
Sidebar footer has been removed with 1.3
As the page page lodes both the footers shows us and after when the page is fully loaded the footer from the sidebar disappears, I have not observed that the page was not fully loaded and I reported you in the form of issue, well can't this process be verification be done in background in order to avoid its view.
I am including screen cast bellow:
I can not reproduce that.
Could you send a screenshot please?
I have found in the blog/view/../.... urls its not working, there are two footers on this page.