
German Michael Zülsdorff 5 years ago

GreenByGreen Theme

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A simple responsive theme optimized for mobile usability, featuring ...

  • fixed topbar
  • two member selectable color presets (light and dark)
  • custom color and logo editor on admin backend
  • chat on mobile devices
  • separate 'My Groups' page instead of numerous entries in the sidebar menu
  • separate section keeping your personal stuff
  • floating widgets using the full screen width on large displays
  • backup/restore of logos and custom (color-) settings
  • GDPR compliance
  • no javascript restrictions in TinyMCE at the admin backend
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us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

Hello... I am using a customized out version of your green by green theme. Like it, got it the way I want it, can be seen at ...

Anyway... one item I would like to change (if GxG is what's causing it in the first place, yes - no?) is the time/date stamp on the messages and replies. The behavior in the default theme is to show something like "5 minutes ago", or "2 hours ago", whereas now it has a European format time date stamp, and the timestamp is WAY off, sometimes even showing that the post was made a day later than it is because of whatever time difference there is.

I am sure this could be fixed by using the timezone component, BUT... as the site only targets US/Canadian users it is too cumbersome for users that are spread only amongst 6 time zones (7 if you count Hawaii)... also the reason I don't use the greetings component, though I like it.

Anyway, I am NOT a coder... is there any way, PLEASE, that you could direct me to the location, and tell me what I need to do, to change this behavior back to the default method???

I apologize if GxG is not the cause of this, but I can't figure what else it could be.



German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

see my answer below I gave Sri Visjaya Yogi.

Breton Sandro Augusto Replied 4 years ago

Hello friend, first of all I would like to thank you for the theme
Friend, I managed to solve 99% of the theme's colors, but to be perfect I would like to know if there is any way to increase the login buttons in the responsive version, because when accessed by cell phone it is almost unreadable. If so, could you tell me how to fix it?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Click Download -> Components inside the blue topbar and proceed to page 4

As for my theme and components you can basically rely on that green "This component/theme works with latest OSSN version." on top.

gb Chih-Ying Wei Replied 4 years ago

Hi, I tried to apply this theme, however, it seems like i might miss something.
can someone tell me where I can download the missing component, please?
TouchScreenCoverImageDragging component >= 1.2
enter image description here

Thank you.

jm Darien Brown Replied 4 years ago

i dont expect any tbh i just expect to upgrade my site to the latest version of ossn and then install greenbygreen and knowing it was coded by you i feel very confident it will but i was just checking for final assurance from you that it was fully operational and i can go ahead lol thats it basically

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

you didn't tell what kind of issues you're expecting or afraid of ... could you name them more precisely?

jm Darien Brown Replied 4 years ago

Zman I'm thinking of using green by green I shouldn't have any issues right

ph Sepiroth X Replied 4 years ago

@~Z`Man Can you help me which part to edit the height for the group's profile cover? It's kinda shorter ... I created a clone of his theme of yours and edited some parts of it like the color scheme and the profile cover photo height... am I allowed to upload it here for you to somehow check it as well? :)

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Of course. There are thousend ways to customize a theme.
I'd suggest to

  1. study the Ossn documentation
  2. clone GreenByGreen
  3. apply your own ideas and changes


Developer: Michael
License GPL v2
Type: Themes
Requires Ossn Version : 7.2
Latest Version:
Last Updated
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