
German Michael Zülsdorff 5 years ago

GreenByGreen Theme

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A simple responsive theme optimized for mobile usability, featuring ...

  • fixed topbar
  • two member selectable color presets (light and dark)
  • custom color and logo editor on admin backend
  • chat on mobile devices
  • separate 'My Groups' page instead of numerous entries in the sidebar menu
  • separate section keeping your personal stuff
  • floating widgets using the full screen width on large displays
  • backup/restore of logos and custom (color-) settings
  • GDPR compliance
  • no javascript restrictions in TinyMCE at the admin backend
Comments are disabled for this project!
German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback, John.
The simple reason for the issue you found:
The Hangout component is using the right column for the necessary "start hangout" button code. And the right column is not available on small devices throughout all themes. That's all.

One solution I can think of is creating an extra page for that button, and make that page addressable from the main menu. But I would prefer waiting for a component fix from Softlab before developing a custom GreenByGreen fix.

us John Miller Replied 4 years ago

First I will say that after trying each of the available themes, this is hands down the best, and it would seem, the best supported.
I think everything is working (that I have tried to date) with the exception of the hangouts mod, which I cannot get to work on Any theme, so it may be an issue with the mobile platform or Am I missing a config option by chance??
Thanks again,,,,,

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

The Reset Password function is available on
And you are redirected automatically to that page after an unsuccessful login attempt.
So what's your problem?

The idea of GreenByGreen is keeping things simple. And you don't need a Password Reset as long as you KNOW your password. Aside from that you may change your password any time from the Account settings page after a successful login.

ph Rex Luciano Replied 4 years ago

There is no new update for this? Please add reset password.

gb Catalin Pandele Replied 4 years ago

Nice one ~Z~ Man! Thank you for this!

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Profile and Group cover image sizes are handled in the core part of Ossn - they are not part of my theme.
If you have any questions or issues please open a new thread on the main community page.

us John Miller Replied 4 years ago

Thanks again, cover photo accomplished.
It seems to be a little particular about the image size, where would I look for the config file?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

He John,
thanks for your feedback and trying GreenByGreen.
The 'issues' you mentioned are Ossn standard: The Profile Photos and Cover Photos folders are special - they have no own upload option. These pictures have to be loaded directly from the member's profile page. Instructions are available on

In order to achieve a complete mobile workflow, please follow these steps:

  1. From your Ossn admin backend change back to Goblue temporarely
  2. Delete GreenByGreen 1.27
  3. Install and enable the TouchScreen CoverImage Dragging component from the link I mentioned above
  4. Install and enable GreenByGreen 1.28
  5. Visit your profile page and give it a try
us John Miller Replied 4 years ago

Theme looks awesome, chat works on Android without issue.
The cover photo album doesn't seem to be writable, and I can't find the folder to check.
Example: created new folder and buttons appear to add photos to album.
Profile cover album has no way to add photos.
Also, I do not see a way to assign cover photo.
Am I missing something??


gb JACK AMPERES Replied 4 years ago

yes i understand , i will see what i can do to find it. i have searched the core css for the theme, but clearly its not there. thank you for all you do ossn is a great platform and very appreciated.


Developer: Michael
License GPL v2
Type: Themes
Requires Ossn Version : 7.2
Latest Version:
Last Updated
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