Videos Component Question

Bob Weston Posted in Technical Support 4 years ago

I have been hunting around trying to find some information regarding the videos component in relation to thumbnails but cannot find anything. When I upload videos to my site there is never a thumbnail. I am wondering if there is something I need to set to make this happen. I noticed there is a file called VideoThumb.php in the classes folder of the component which looks like it controls the creation of the thumbnail. I changed it from 5 seconds to 25 seconds to see if maybe 5 seconds was too early... but I never see a thumbnail.. can anyone help with this?

German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

Hi guys.. I tried downloading 5.10 when Arsalan said that but the softlabs page wanted me to pay for it, although I already paid for the premium, so I didn't.
As far as disabling plesk, that may work with other panel installations but cPanel will not install in plesk is installed, not can you disable cPanel.
I don't mind doing the operating system reinstalls and setting up again, it keeps my linux command line capabilities on top and only takes a few hours.
Plus, I have learned from past experience to always start fresh when troubleshooting because you may cause other problems with incompatibilities..

Sorta like getting a divorce and still living with your ex while a new woman has also moved in.. it just don't work right!

Anyway.. I really am glad I found this website and you guys are great too.. it is frustrating but keeps my mind working..

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

@Bob, you are too quick to delete the server and start from scratches. You only require to delete

Please follow Zetman advice below!

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Hi Bob,
just two questions:

  1. Why didn't you install the latest Videos 5.10 as advised by Arsalan 6 days ago?
  2. With what user id/name are you logged in to ssh when running ffmpeg from the shell?
German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

I tried getting answers in the cPanel forums but no one wrote back.. so I decided to do another fresh CentOs but this time with plesk installed, this would eliminate the question if CentOs was the issue..

My issue is something within cPanel or maybe something set wrong because I can convert .avi files with CentOs 7.8 and plesk as a user in ssh..

Now I have to do it all again and reinstall cPanel because I guess I am just to dumb to figure out plesk.. the website loads like I'm on dial up or something.. plus some settings must be wrong because the ffmpeg binary cannot be found even though it is in /usr/bin/

That will have to be for tomorrow though.. been up for 19 hours.. time for bed!

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

We need ffmpeg to asure compatibily with the WebVideo standard.
Since the early days of media support on PCs hundreds of different proprietary video and audio codecs have been developed - some worked on Windows only, others only on Macs, and some on Linux. All in all, not a really good basis for sharing, and after a long time when everything had to be converted to Flash, fortunately, WebVideo has finally become a standard that all modern devices support. In the course of this standardization, however, the number of allowed codecs was reduced considerably. That's why we need a tool that converts uploaded videos with incompatible codecs, and that's exactly what ffmpeg does. See for more details.

German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

Hi Michieal,

I opened a ticket with softlab because I had tried everything possible, you can get a lot of help there if you have the paid version. My problem is not solved yet but is narrowed down to the fact that the user account somehow does not have permission to convert with ffmpeg, which could also be the reason for the thumbnails not converting. I am running centos 7.8 with cpanel/whm installed.. I believe it is some cpanel issue of something I need to deactivate to get it to work, so my next step is cpanel forums.

If you do not have root access to the server you are on, softlabs cannot help you because they need to check the configurations and do tests. If you have centos and cpanel, I could try and help you if you have shell access, I am getting to be sort of an FFMPEG expert in centos playing with this..

If not, good luck with your problems.. when I finally get the bugs worked out I will post the solution here..

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 4 years ago

I have a very closely related question on this...
Is there either a way to not use the FFMPEG? or is there a version of that component that will work on godaddy's servers? (They say that it takes up too many resources, so it's not allowed by default.)

I didn't want to start a new thread to ask this, as I have been watching this thread, and I felt that my question was too close to the topic to have a separate thread. (I started reading this thread because my own videos wasn't creating the thumbnail pictures.)

TY :D !!

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Its mp4 because videos after conversion are set to mp4 i have checked the video to upload a avi and it worked for me see a video :

Therefore conclusion is that there is issue with your end. Therefore you don't need to worry about videos component. You should resolve the issue first. You may try to download latest product and replace your videos component with new release at least to try. (5.10)

German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

correct me if I am wrong but it looks to me that the addVideo function in the Videos.php only allows two types (.mp4 and .mov):

enter image description here

I am a coder but not a PHP coder..
Is this the function that controls what video type you may upload?
If so, what would i have to add for .avi to work?

My FFMPEG will convert almost anything, but this code is limiting it to just a couple.

German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

I have the the problem that I am running centos 7.8 and the yum repositories only go up to 2.8.15..
I know you said in a different thread that you use debian or something.. I can manually install FFMPEG on centos but it is very tricky and takes hours to get everything working.. maybe I should just backup my site and install a different operating system

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