Adding genders and hiding real names

Mick Dawlings Posted in Technical Support 11 months ago

I have a site where users should be relatively anonymous.
This that sign up should not ask for first and last name, just the alias they would like to be known as.
Of course the rest too such as email, password, gender, optional phone number as some like to be verified using number of email.

I also need more genders but all I can find this is 4 year old component.

us Mick Dawlings Replied 11 months ago

I'm sorry, yes I see that. I was saying I wasn't aware of that because there's no actual manual for the platform that I can find. As mentioned, I found this manual but am not sure if it's useful or not.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 11 months ago

In users menu find Users Fields. Do you have it?

us Mick Dawlings Replied 11 months ago

It seems I am not finding some things that might be documented. Is there a user manual, doc, information somewhere that is updated as ossn is also updated? I could look at that to try and find answers as well as Googling.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 11 months ago

Go to admin panel, users , custom fields and edit genders and add more options

us Mick Dawlings Replied 11 months ago

Does anyone know how to add more genders and have that show by the username?

us Mick Dawlings Replied 11 months ago

LOL, totally lost track of the original question which was how to add genders.

us Mick Dawlings Replied 11 months ago

Nice, that might solve my problem. Thanks, I'll take a look at that.

I asked this before in other posts. Is there a way I can tell if a component will work, even it is shows not being updated?
I would hate to start using something that seems to work but has some issues we're not aware of until it's too late and many have started using it.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 11 months ago

It works fine unless you are using Anonymous registration it requires disabling that component.

us Mick Dawlings Replied 11 months ago

BTW, this one would be great for a situation I have;

However, it's not updated and I see others complaining they had to disable things because of that.
That's my fear about using a lot of components, having to disable things that our members would be using by then. It would frustrate them to no end.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 11 months ago

Our goal is to make sure previous components works on latest OSSN version. Unless there is a update in CSS framework like boostrap then we need to make sure if UI is not broken and make components work on latest bootstrap, js version.